Monday, April 30, 2007 EXCLUSIVE - STAY-Rod???
Obviously, this doesn't mean he is staying for sure, but why would someone buy BRAND new digs and then decide to leave the city? He clearly loves New York, his family loves New York and the fans are growing to love him in New York. If he decides not to opt out, people will realize just how much playing for the Yankees means to him and they will never boo him again. I think he realizes this.
In other news, he was seen having a couple of drinks at Back Page sports bar on 3rd Ave and 83rd Street yesterday after the Red Sox game. We all needed to drink after the last 10 games.
If I get any more info on this, I will make sure to post it. Read the full post, after the jump

Saturday, April 28, 2007
Curious question...
As I was watching the telecast of the game on Thursday, something crossed my mind as they showed an advertisement to a giveaway day. My question is directed at non season ticket holders. How important are giveaways too you, and would you plan your trip to the Stadium around them? Is any giveaway fine or are there specific ones you always go to yearly? If anyone actually reads this and has any answers, leave comments with your responses! Read the full post, after the jump

Game 4 of 2007 for Ross (vs. Red Sox 4/27)
The crowd was DEFINITELY rocking when the Yankees had their 4 run rally. It seems like the fans were just waiting to explode all night. Unfortunately Pettitte didn't keep the momentum and he lost them the game an inning later.
How about this little nugget via - The Yankees haven't had an extra base hit in 20 innings! I know pitching is the problem on this team CLEARLY, but now the hitting is starting to fail them a bit as well.
I actually left the game early last night. I couldn't take it once Mariano couldn't even get through an inning of garbage time. It was a depressing walk out of the stadium and really left me reflecting on whether this will be the year that the Yankees run of post-season appearances ends. Its still early, but it is just about time to really get concerned. As much as I dislike Torre's moves most of the time, I don't think firing him is going to do anything. The Yankees need Pettitte to pitch like he did his first couple of outings, Wang to pitch like last year, Moose to come back and be Moose, Hughes to give them 6 solid innings each time out and whoever the 5th starter is has to give them a representative 5th starter effort. If those things fall into place, the bullpen won't be as overworked and they will become more effective as well. Lets just hope all of those things happen soon.
A little more on my experience last night... I actually waited on line for 2 beers for 20 minutes. The whole time there were 4 people ahead of me in line. Apparently the stadium workers are told not to take people's money until their order is completed and in their hands. So, if one person orders 3 orders of cheese fries, and they aren't ready, the worker doesn't take their money in the 10 minutes of waiting time. Instead, they stand around with a dumb look on their face while I am missing 2 innings of the sold-out Yankees/Red Sox game. Once I got to the front of the line, I asked why they don't just take the money while they are waiting for the food to be ready and the girl said their supervisor tells them not to because "people change their mind." Huh?! I just can't wait until the new stadium is open. Read the full post, after the jump
Friday, April 27, 2007
NYYStadiumInsider? More like National Weather Service!
BronxWeatherInsider is more like it! Read the full post, after the jump
Quick Radar update (4/27)
First, you can see the current lull in the precip:

Next, you can see what is coming from our south. It looks like most of these showers and T-Storms will miss the Bronx to the South and East

And just to be safe we will look even FURTHER south to see what will be heading towards the area at around game time. This concerns me a little more, but the storm tracks still indicate that the heaviest precip will miss the Bronx to the South and East again. Lets hold our fingers with this batch of precip:

Read the full post, after the jump

More weather boringness... (Friday 4/27 vs. Boston)
There is moderate to heavy rain moving through the tri-state area at the current time. The forecast is for the heaviest and steady rain to be gone by around 6 PM, giving way to more showery conditions.
Once again, I can't predict what the often times unpredictable Yankee Stadium grounds crew is going to do. A lot of times it doesn't even seem like they consult with local meteorologists before making their game-canceling decisions.
My gut feeling is that the game will get in tonight based on the looks of the radar and by reading what the scientific weather discussion has to say. In addition, the official forecast only has a 50% chance of rain for tonight. Hopefully the grounds crew will look into that information as well.

Radars as of 9:45 AM - click each radar to get the UP TO DATE image
Back later with an update if it is warranted. Read the full post, after the jump

Traffic delays heading to Yankees Stadium.
"The Yankees are encouraging fans to use mass transportation to this weekend’s series with the Red Sox. The team said that the new ballpark was in a construction phase, which is causing traffic problems."
Have fun. I agree with Ross. Can't feel too optimistic about the team, but the matchups this weekend seem pretty solid for us. Keep cheering Yankees fans, sunny skies are ahead. I don't just mean that in the metaphoric sense... Spring/summer has to come eventually, right? Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: New Yankee Stadium
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Phil Hughes' debut (Game 3 of 2007 for me)
Nothing really of note from a stadium insider standpoint. The closest thing would be that I tried to get hot chocolate from almost every refreshment stand in the tier and all of the hot chocolate machines were broken. I asked if the new stadium would have working hot chocolate machines and the stadium worker enthusiastically said 'we better have new every damn thing in the new stadium'. Couldn't have said it better myself. Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: Game 3 of 2007 for Ross, Phil Hughes' Major League Debut, what does it take to get some hot chocolate?
ANOTHER weather update (Thursday - OK, Friday - UH-OH)
Overnight into midday Friday is when the HEAVY rain will move in (over an inch possible in some spots).
By tomorrow night, the heaviest rain will be over, but there will be scattered showers/ T-Storms at night. Basically it all depends how the weather sets up - when there will be drier periods and breaks in the rain or if the storm moves out quicker than prognosticated. The only positive is that the definite heavy rain will be occurring on Friday morning and will be over by early afternoon.
I have seen the Yankees cancel a lot of games before just because it has been raining all day, so that is a possibility as well.
Friday is going to have to be a wait and see at this point. Under normal circumstances I would say there is a greater than 50% chance of a rain-out but it is a Friday night game, it is a Friday night game against Boston, and it is a Friday night game against Boston two days after a rain-out.
I'll give updates as I see appropriate. Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: Friday 4/27 vs. Boston weather, weather impact on upcoming games, when can I stop typing about weather and talk about baseball again?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
VERY questionable Rainout (but a good decision for the Yankees pitching)
Take a loot at this radar:

They DEFINITELY could have gotten the game in if they wanted to. However, they clearly didn't want to! Now they can have Pettite pitch against Boston again. Hughes will still go tomorrow.
This can backfire on the Yankees if Friday's game also gets rained out (which has a legitimate chance of happening) Read the full post, after the jump

Weather for Tonight (4/25) - Showers and cool
The radar currently looks much worse than it actually is:

There is still a bunch of dry air in the lower levels of the atmosphere that will prevent the rain from reaching the ground initially. Eventually it will break through, but it will be more showery in nature, with the occasional heavy burst. Conditions will not be enjoyable tonight as temperatures will be in the mid-upper 40's along with the rain. Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: weather impact on upcoming games
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Very quick update (weather)

Labels: weather impact on upcoming games
Monday, April 23, 2007
Weather for April 25-29 and phenom Phil makes his debut!!!
Wednesday night - Rain likely (mainly showers) lows in the mid 40's - not pleasant
Thursday night (Phil Hughes debut) - Rain likely (mainly showers, possibly more steady) lows in the upper 40's - not pleasant.
Friday night (1st game of Boston series - Rain likely (supposedly more showery than steady rain, but that is still to be seen, lower 50's.
I have tickets to Wednesday and Thursday night's games. My father is taking a friend to the Red Sox game, so I unfortunately won't be attending that.
I am REALLY looking forward to Thursday. It is finally time to see phenom Phil make his major league debut. I am a little concerned that it is a bit of a panic move, but I like Phil's chances. There will be some ups and downs initially, I am sure of it. I just hope the stadium crowd sticks with Phil and doesn't get discouraged if he struggles a bit initially. For you fantasy leaguers out there, Thursday is a bit of a tough matchup because Toronto has a good offense. However, they have been struggling and Phil is gonna be amped so who knows! I'll definitely report back after the game.
On another note, A-Rod continues to be scorching hot. He should be the most beloved figured in NY right now. Read the full post, after the jump

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Game 2 (for me) of 2007 - memorable, to say the LEAST - I think it is safe to say he is a "true Yankee" now!

click above to see the game-winning HR (Quicktime will be needed)
Well, I have to start this out by saying that I CANNOT believe what I witnessed in the bottom of the 9th. I am glad to say, however, that I DID IN FACT stick around for the bottom of the 9th. Nick didn't have any confidence in me, but I was there to witness some sort of history.
I betrayed Section 1 today. After the 2nd inning I moved over to the 3rd base side in the 2nd row of the tier box seats. I attended the game with a co-worker and we wanted to try to catch a foul ball. One of the joys attending a baseball game can provide that no other sport can - the constant anticipation of that ball coming flying at you and your chance for a souvenier. Unfortunately, one didn't even come close to us.
The crowd was sparse (by Yankee stadium standards - only 40,872 fans in attendance). I think it was some combination of:
1) A "blah" opponent in the Indians (to the masses not realizing that they have one of the most exciting young offenses in baseball)
2) A day game in the middle of the work-week while school is still in session.
3) Lingering bad weather from the Nor'Easter that struck the East coast last weekend
*weather note and other random digressions - by the middle innings, the WARM sun had burned its way through the clouds, setting up some beautiful weather for A-Rod's 8th defining moment in pinstripes that will make him a true Yankee (by the way, I think he will be a true Yankee with one more... or maybe 2... or maybe when he hits a grand slam to win the World Series... No seriously, I swear some Yankee fans think this way)
My adopted section for the day (I didn't take note but I think it was section 12, Tier Box) somehow was inhabited by an abnormal number of Cleveland Indians fans. They weren't obnoxious by any stretch of the imagination, but it is never fun to be a home-town fan when your team is losing and a bunch of the opposing team's fans are all raucous and giddy about their team winning.
Speaking of obnoxious - that was the d-bag "business" men in suits in front of me. I can't make this stuff up. They actually yelled "juice" at Giambi before his HR. Then they cheered when he hit it. These guys were also some of the few fans who actually booed A-Rod in his 3rd and 4th at bats giving him an oh-fer for the day (up to that point). Those same fraudulent fans left after the bottom of the 8th inning (hopefully to never return) and missed the heroics that would ensue in the bottom of the 9th. This type of "fan" annoys me to no end, but I would like to thank them, because without their inspiration, this blog wouldn't have come in to existence.
So, I'm not here to talk baseball strategy, or numbers, or to second guess managers (I will leave that to one of the other zillion Yankee blogs out there), but why is Joe Borowski the Indians closer? Both Betancourt AND Fultz had MUCH better stuff and had the Yankees flailing about. Then came Borowski with his 5+ ERA, 6/3 K/BB ratio and intimidating 87 MPH fastball (along with 5 saves - further proving how meaningless THAT stat is). The Yankees used him as batting practice to get ready for this weekend's big series in Boston.
The bottom of the 9th was somewhat of a blur. Once the first two outs were made, I was preparing for the long, slow, walk out of the stadium with Liza Minelli (instead of Frank Sinatra) singing the losing version of "New York, New York". Some time after the start of the inning, one of the Indians fans in my section noticed Mariano warming up in the bullpen (in case the Yankees tied the game). He asked aloud "do they know something we don't know?" As we all know, Mariano wasn't needed.
You should have seen the expression on the Indian fan's faces change as the inning went on - from cocky exuberance, to utter elation, gradual change to mild concern, and finally PANIC when Jeter came up as the tying run. They seemed a little relieved when Jeter "only" hit a single to left, bring up Abreu, and eventually the MVP A-Rod. Seriously, I take no joy in these fan's misfortune - I'm not that guy. However, I had to relate my entire experience here, and they were part of it.
From the time Damon got the single, I had a feeling it was going to come down to A-Rod because it always does. To be honest, I was begging for Abreu to end the game one way or another, because I felt like A-Rod was starting to cool off a bit. I guess I was DEAD wrong about that.
As mentioned previously on this blog, every time A-Rod steps up to the plate, he gets a louder ovation than ANY other player. At first I thought it was somewhat of a justification to boo him when he failed - "hey, we cheered him loudest, so now we have the right to boo him". Nowadays, I think the fans are FINALLY realizing what the smart people knew all along - we get to watch one of the greatest players in baseball history play EVERY SINGLE DAY. We will all be able to tell out children and grandchildren that we got to see Alex Rodriguez play baseball for the New York Yankees.
The loud roar from the crowd was understandable today - A-Rod ONCE again was up with a chance to prove once and for all that he is a "TRUE YANKEE" (I'm still trying to figure out what that means, but I hear people babbling about it all the time).
To FINALLY cut to the chase, the ball was gone off the crack of the bat and I went insane. Jumping up and down, screaming, high-fiving people, everything. I jumped down to the first row of the tier box and started pounding on the facing of the upper deck like a monkey. I think I was repeatedly bellowing: "I love you A-Rod I f*^cking love you". At this moment, my voice hurts from screaming so much and my hands hurt from clapping and high-fiving.
For those wondering, A-Rod did give a curtain call, as the fans who had stayed until the end simply refused to leave. He got cheered for the curtain call, he got cheered when he came BACK out again for the interview with Kim Jones, and he got ONE FINAL huge cheer when he went back to the dugout after the interview.
Just think, its only April 19th and there is a whole season of baseball to be played.
This is what being a Yankee fan with season tickets is all about.
edit: Thanks to MrG777 of the PinstripesPlus message board for pointing out that it is Liza Minelli and not Nancy Sinatra who sings the losing version of New York, New York.
edit #2: Fixed image at the top of the blog entry to properly link to a video of the HR. Read the full post, after the jump

A little off topic - T-shirts now available!!!


They are green so they will stand out in the crowd. Just click on the pictures to go to the store to buy them. Currently, the price with shipping is around $20. Joe, the owner of isn't happy about the price, and is working on getting a contract to sell cheaper, but that is what cafe press is charging.
If you want to stand out in the crowd and show support for A-Rod no matter WHAT, definitely buy one!
To read more about ProjectA13, click below:

and be sure to visit the blog:
Heading off to the game now. Expecting temps in the low 50's and mostly cloudy skies. Unfortunately, this is going to be the best weather of this mini home-stand. The warm-up is coming folks, I can just feel it. Read the full post, after the jump

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
No rest for the weary - more cold drizzly weather conditions for Wednesday's game
Unfortunately, tonight will be MUCH the same with a little less rain and a little colder. So basically the forecast is the same as it was last night - scattered showers (50%) with temperatures in the upper 30's.
I have a feeling it will be another sparse crowd tonight (by Yankee Stadium standards). Tonight's game is NOT included in the weekday season ticket plan. I have a feeling they have tonight as a $5 night so they wanted more tickets to sell for that. You will see that there will be fans dispersed throughout the upper deck all the way to the outfield, but there will be a lot of empty seats.
Regardless of all that, enjoy the baseball game tonight! I'll be at the game tomorrow when temps will be in the lower 50's, but the 50-60% chance of rain will still exist. What a bummer! Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: baseball is a warm weather sport although you wouldn't know it with the temps for the upcoming games, weather impact on upcoming games
Monday, April 16, 2007
Quick weather update for Tuesday night
The temperatures are going to be in the upper 30's - low 40's at gametime and the potential exists for some scattered showers, but the game will be played.
That being said - I don't have anyone who is willing to go to the game with me and as I previously mentioned, I want to watch the Rangers playoff game. Therefore, my tickets are going to go to waste unless there is someone out there who wants them. I will give you the pair for $20. Section 1, Row M. Right behind home plate.
Use the link at the side of the page to contact me. Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: baseball is a warm weather sport although you wouldn't know it with the temps for the upcoming games, weather impact on upcoming games
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Homestand #2 (short one) about to start
The weather on Tuesday is looking MISERABLE for all of you who hold tickets for that game. The majority of the heavy rain should be well out of the area by then. However a very unstable and cold airmass will remain over us making the comfort level for the three games with the Indians as poor as the first homestand. The good news is, all three games should be played. Thats probably even better news for the Indians who have already had about 5 games canceled due to SNOW this season.
I'm not sure whether I am going to the game on Tuesday night. I have the tickets, but the weather is going to be miserable and I'm not sure if I have another person to go with. Also, the Rangers (hockey) will be playing game 3 of their playoff series at the same time and I am pretty into the playoffs thus far. It probably brings my credibility as a "Stadium Insider" into question if I decide that it is too cold to go to a game and I would rather watch a hockey game on TV, but hey, I'm OK with that.
More weather updates as we get closer to Tuesday Read the full post, after the jump

Friday, April 13, 2007
One more road series, then the Yankees head home!
I don't even want to take a hack at an early weather report -- I'll leave that for Ross -- BUT I am willing to ask this question to fans: When A Rod returns to the stadium after his RED HOT start, will he be booed the first time he makes out with a man on base? I hope not. What's the point? He's put this team on his shoulders. If he can't buy himself time of no boos with an 8 game extra base hit streak, will he ever?
On a different note, our season ticket package gives us Tuesday and Thursday's games against the Indians. Ross, care to give any insight on who will be attending those two?
Hopefully we'll win this series in Oakland, and the crowd will give a nice congrats to our players for the first successful road trip of the season! Read the full post, after the jump

Saturday, April 7, 2007
More about Game 1 (Home game #3)
The crowd was mostly dead during the game, probably because of the extreme cold and the crappy play. The loudest and most boisterious moments were when a Red Sox fan walked down the upper deck walkway in a Sox shirt and when the peanut guy made an extra long throw from the walkway almost up to the last row of the upper deck. It really was that lame of a game. It really is funny how much hatred their is for anything Red Sox oriented. When that guy walked by in the Red Sox shirt, a grown man was spewing profanities at him for 5 minutes straight. He was still yelling at the guy and the guy couldn't possibly have heard him. I dunno - maybe that was the screamer guy's way of keeping warm.
Really bummed out that Nick and I couldn't be at the game today (Saturday). Not only did we miss A-Rod's defining moment in pinstripes, but we also missed calendar day. I really like that calendar they give out every year and the past two seasons they started doing it on weekend games which I don't go to. If anyone reads this blog and that one lost soul also happens to have an extra calendar to spare, please drop me a line at
Tomorrow's game is the last game of the homestand and of course I won't be there because it is a weekend game. It will be cold again much like today so if you are there, do the obligatory bundling up. Hey, at least we don't have to deal with this Read the full post, after the jump

4/6/07 ... (COLD) Game 1 for Ross and I
One thing that amused me greatly was the anger towards Kevin Millar. The fans booed loudly during all of his AB's. I mean, I know he was on that 04 Red Sox team, but REALLY? I am fairly neutral towards him.
Maybe Ross has more details from the night -- I'm all out of thoughts. Stay warm. Read the full post, after the jump
Friday, April 6, 2007
Quesiton for my "fellow" Yankees fans and New York Media

PLEASE, riddle me this:
A-Rod makes an error in the 1st game - the fans boo, the back page mentions it.
Jeter makes an error in the 1st game - no reaction anywhere
A-Rod plays a flawless game in the field in the 2nd game, has an RBI double, but pops out to end the 8th - he gets booed and "fails in the clutch" according to the back pages
Jeter makes two errors in the 2nd game (3 on the season already) - doesn't get booed, back pages have it as their SECOND bullet point
Bobby Abreu TAPS back to the pitcher BEFORE A-Rod with ONE out and fails to drive in the tying run - no reaction anywhere (not the fans or the papers).
These aren't low-paid, low expectation guys that failed the Yankees and got off the hook. Last I check DJ and Bobby are two of the higher paid players in ALL of baseball. Why are they not under the microscope? Why are they not "blamed"? Look, I'm not blaming anyone for last night's debacle of a game. If I was at the stadium or writing the tag lines of the back pages, I wouldn't have blamed anyone. Last night was a COMPLETE team loss from top to bottom.
However, Alex CERTAINLY should not be taking the brunt of the fans and media's ire. He has become the ULTIMATE whipping boy and this is getting sick and twisted.
I think even the STAUNCHEST of A-Rod haters can agree that the fan/media reaction to A-Rod's game last is asinine at best.
Again, let me say this slowly -
last night's loss was no ONE player's fault .
Fans need to realize that a whipping boy isn't always necessary. Sometimes a loss is just a loss.
And let me add this...
I actually just heard this on the way into my office building (NO LIE):
[Supposed] Yankee fan:
"I actually don't mind the loss too much because of the way A-Rod failed"
I just ran into my building before I punched this FRAUD of a fan in the face.
Anyway, last night I heard on the radio a "fan" that was at the game call in and actually say "this is the end of the line for A-Rod, he just can't cut it in NY"
I know I shouldn't get worked up about it, but seriously, I am embarrassed to be a Yankee fan at this point!
I am going to the game with Nick2Slick tonight. Hopefully I won't get into any sort of scrum with any of the people I have mentioned above. Read the full post, after the jump
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Pettite's return to the stadium mound tonight - BUNDLE UP!

Well, I won't be going to the game tonight and neither will Nick2Slick. No, we aren't scared of a little cold weather (we'll be there tomorrow night in the cold). We made prior arrangements to attend a concert tonight, so we will miss Pettite's return.
If you are there, you are likely to look like the girl in the picture above - cold, bundled up and unhappy (unless Mr. Pettite throws a no-hitter or something similarly spectacular happens.
I really think that MLB should consciously try to schedule "cold weather" teams in the northern part of the country to be on the road for the first couple of weeks of the season. I know it is probably impossible and no team would like a two week roadtrip to start the season, but baseball isn't supposed to be played when temps are in the 20's. Baseball is a WARM WEATHER sport.
By the way, the last game I remember Andy Pettite pitching for the Yankees in this type of weather was the home opener in 2003 when Matsui hit the big HR in his debut. I'm sure Andy is loving being back in NY right about now.
If you are going to the game tonight, have fun. Hopefully I will get home to see the end of it! Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: Andy Pettite back in pinstripes, baseball is a warm weather sport although you wouldn't know it with the temps for the upcoming games, weather impact on upcoming games
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Pettite's Return Postponed

Here is the release from the Yankees regarding tickets:
Today’s game between the New York Yankees and Tampa Bay Devil Rays at Yankee Stadium has been postponed due to poor weather conditions. No makeup date has been announced.
Fans holding paid tickets for today’s postponed game may use them for the rescheduled game between the Yankees and Devil Rays (date and time to be announced) or may exchange them for any regular-season game at Yankee Stadium within 12 months (subject to availability).
Tickets can only be exchanged at Yankee Stadium Advance Ticket Windows (open Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and until the 7th inning of any regularly scheduled home game).
Look for cold weather the rest of the week, but the games should be played. I would guess that they will push Pettite back to Thursday night, but nothing is official yet. Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: Andy Pettite back in pinstripes, Nick2Slick crying himself to sleep because of rain, Washout Wednesday, weather impact on upcoming games
Weather update - no good news to report

And there is more rain to the south:
Images accurate as of 10:40 AM Eastern time
If you would like to check out live images of the radar shown above, please go:
here or here
So, it looks like there won't be any baseball played in the Bronx today. If this was a night game scheduled for 7:05, there would be a chance of playing after a delay, but this is a scheduled day game, so that isn't happening. Look for Andy Pettite's triumphant return to pinstripes on Thursday night. Stay tuned for official word of the cancellation.
Looking ahead to the rest of the home-stand... Most night games will be VERY cold with temps in the upper 20's to lower 30's so definitely bundle up if you are heading out there.
Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: Andy Pettite back in pinstripes, Nick2Slick crying himself to sleep because of rain, Washout Wednesday, weather impact on upcoming games
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Pettite's return may have to wait... Washout Wednesday

Well, it looks like nostalgic Yankee fans are going to have to wait a little longer than they bargained for to see their 90's hero Andy Pettite return to the stadium mound.
The forecast for Wednesday is gloomy at best:
Primary low pressure crosses the Great Lakes into Ontario on
Wednesday...with the parent shortwave carving out a deep closed low over
the Great Lakes is it phases with another shortwave over northern
Ontario. Rain could become heavy at times on Wednesday as deep layer SW flow
(with 50-knots southerly 800 mb jet) transports deep moisture with precipitable water
around an inch into the area. NAM forecasts small amounts of elevated have continued with chance of afternoon thunder.
As per swody2...0-6km shear values of 25-40 knots would be sufficient
for organized thunderstorms...but extent of destabilization is highly uncertain.
Meanwhile...a secondary low developing over the middle Atlantic region
Wednesday afternoon should pass near or just S of Long Island late Wednesday
evening...bringing an end to steady precipitation overnight. Slower
trends over the past few model cycles favor a solution no faster than
a blend between the faster GFS and slower NAM with the progression
of this feature.
Forecast taken from National Weather Service Area Forecast Discussion
To put that into layman's terms, it is going to rain tomorrow - ALL DAY.
Don't count on seeing any baseball in the Bronx until Thursday at 7:05 PM which will most likely feature Andy's return. Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: 1990's Yankee nostalgia, Andy Pettite back in pinstripes, Washout Wednesday, weather impact on upcoming games
Monday, April 2, 2007
Stadium abuzz!!

Ah, what a day. Fans loudly ovated Pettitte, Mo, A Rod and Jeter in the pregames.
Fans booed A Rod after his error and strike out only to give him a curtain call after his monstrous home run. Hmmm...
I guess we better get used to this.
Pavano... Not quite an ironman...
And Mariano dominated like always. Seriously, Yankees stadium was loud today. Wish I could have been there!
Oh by the way... Ross' original weather report was more accurate than the more recent one he posted. HA! I love when he's wrong. Read the full post, after the jump

Sunday, April 1, 2007
IMPORTANT - Weather Update for Monday

Looks like my earlier prognosis for Monday and the home opener was wayyyyyyyyyy off. Looks like it will be in the mid 60s and there should even be some sunshine...
Boy does the weather change fast!
Enjoy the game for all of those people lucky enough to be there! Read the full post, after the jump

I haven't stopped crying for hours.
Ross has me figured out.
No rain... No rain... No rain... I really hope there isn't rain. Read the full post, after the jump
Weather for the home opener on Monday and a preview of Wednesday

Neither Nick2Slick or I will be at the home opener tomorrow. As I have mentioned previously, the Yankees don't think the "B" plan is important enough to give us opening day. Just a little bit bitter. Now, the weather update:
Although it will rain overnight Sunday into Monday and there will be some lingering rain showers Monday morning, the rain should be over by game time at 1:05 in the Bronx.
Look for overcast skies, and temps in the lower 50's. It will be damp and chilly, but you should stay dry at least! Look at it this way - at least it isn't in the 30s and at least it isn't snowing!
For up to date radar for the Bronx, click here (Weather Underground Radar)
The game this week that may be washed out by rain is Wednesday's day game. I'll give an update on that sometime on Tuesday. I'm sure Nick2Slick will cry himself to sleep if he doesn't see his old 90's hero Andy make his first start back in the Pinstripes on Wednesday because of the rain. I'll be stuck at work anyway and I'm not too fond of weekday games to begin with, so I don't really mind if Wednesday's game gets rained out. I'm sure I'm in the minority on that one though! Read the full post, after the jump

Labels: Andy Pettite back in pinstripes, Nick2Slick crying himself to sleep because of rain, Opening day 2007, weather impact on upcoming games