"Great work on the blog. You and Peter Abraham are mandatory reading." - Reader Feedback
"You guys seem to be breaking everything related to the New Stadium and certainly living up to your blog's title." - Reader Feedback
" I initially bookmarked the blog prior to the start of the regular season, looking for updates and any sort of information about the new stadium; however, since then, I have returned to your site daily eager to read your musings and assorted pieces you have composed" - Reader Feedback
Formerly known as "NYY Stadium Insider" (http://nyystadiuminsider.com) and founded in late-March 2007, New Stadium Insider is a blog owned and edited by Yankee season ticket holders, reaching over 40,000 unique visitors monthly and growing. The blog was born with the idea of passing along the every day season ticket holder experience to Yankee fans who couldn't make it to as many games as we do. It eventually evolved to become what it is today - one of the most unique Yankee blogs on the internet, serving as a watchdog for the Yankee organization and everything that happens inside and outside of Yankee Stadium.
The Evolution Of Stadium Insider
In 2007, NYY Stadium Insider was basically a personal journal, chronicling our experiences as Yankee fans, and our trips to Yankee Stadium. If our mother and girlfriend read the site, it was a successful day.
In 2008, we couldn't afford our season tickets, so we expanded by not only critiquing the stadium experiences of every day fans, but by focusing on the lighter side of the Yankees. We enlisted the services of hardcore Yankee fan and talented "photoshop" manipulator Kaybli (you can see some of his best work of 2008 here, while also uncovering some hilarious moments during Yankee broadcasts such as when Ian Kennedy "got jerked off in the bullpen," at least according to YES announcer David Cone.
2009 brought with it a new blog name, as New Stadium Insider was born. We can't rule out a return to the NYY Stadium Insider moniker eventually, but with the new stadium, we felt a fresh start, with a clean, crisp template was important. The new stadium brought many new readers to the blog, and its reach has grown exponentially, as have the number of posts created weekly. We added two new contributors into the fold. Yanks26 now writes the NSI Minor League Report each morning, and Bobby (formerly Fake IPK) is our resident review expert, with ocassional game experience stories and op-eds. Our goal for the rest of 2009 is to continue to be the unofficially offical blog of the new Yankee Stadium. Our coverage has expanded to all aspects of the new Yankee Stadium, as evidenced by our popular food reviews, stadium tips, first-hand reporting, and community organizing.
Leaving Our Mark On The Interwebs
Stadium Insider received over 100,000 page views in April 2009, an important milestone for an independent blog known only by word of mouth and Google seatches. We are regularly linked to by popular sports blog "Deadspin"(http://www.deadspin.com) and many other mainstream media outlets.

The tag-line of the blog "If you yell something stupid from the stands at Yankee Stadium, we'll hear it" is a sarcastic play on the tag-line of mega-popular baseball sports blog MLB Trade Rumors - "If it's whispered we hear it". Historically, Stadium Insider has been home to many gripes about the stupid things people yell at players while attending games - mostly at A-Rod, and recently at Mark Teixeira. We're here to chronicle and ridicule the stories of those not as enlightened as us.
About The Authors
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