Saturday, March 15, 2008

Yankees to Season Ticket Holders: Don't expect to sit in the same place in the New Yankee Stadium

The Yankees sent out their first correspondence in regard to season ticket holder seating location in the new stadium when it opens in 2009. As has become the norm for letters from the Yankees, it is quite vague.

To sum up the most "important" parts in a document that otherwise left me more curious than before it was sent:
"During the 2008 Season, you will receive official New Yankee Stadium Relocation Program information, which will contain a Relocation Guide and other related materials. The Relocation Guide will detail our comprehensive Relocation Program as well as your options for securing seat locations at the new Yankee Stadium. It will also contain information detailing the criterias used to establish the Relocation Program. [snip]

Please be aware that the seat location and quantity of games included in all current Ticket License Plans are subject to change when you relocate to the new Yankee Stadium."
Basically, you are guaranteed nothing. I will have around 4 seasons of seniority under my belt by the time the new Stadium rolls around. From the wording of this letter, I shouldn't be too hopeful about my chances to keep this view (from Tier Reserved MVP, section 1):

Talk about it in the NYYSI Forums!


Anonymous said...

WHat it means is that the new Yankee Stadium is a different capacity than the old and will have different section sizes, legnth of rows, etc. So, if you now have Section 1, Row U, seats, 17-21, you may not get the same if it doesn't exist in the new stadium, you could wind up with better seats/view.

Anonymous said...

I don't think from the letter we can assume anything. I'm sure it was sent out to tell us that if we're not happy with our new seat offering we can't complain they didn't tell us. I have an 8 game mini package and I'm worried they'll do away with smaller ticket plans if there is increased demand for full season ticket packages. It's obvious that with a smaller stadium and much different seat and row configurations many people are going to be displaced.

Anonymous said...

The material provided thus far means that BOTH posts above are correct! Unless one wants to upgrade - not an option for me unless I want to multiply my 10-game package fee 5-10x. We just went through this in Wash DC and it was very disturbing - they asked so many questions and required us to state and prioritize so darn many preferences that it got contradictory (eg, aisle, field, which dugout, proximity to field, etc). Most seats increased considerably in price here too.

Anonymous said...

not sure how true this is. someone i know said his uncle has had season tix since the 50's. he got word that for him to keep his seats (somewhere behind home plate), his price would be 1.5 mil. i don't know how many seats he has, or exactly where they are. he said this years seats cost him $100k. can that be right? that's awfully high. i haven't been able to get specifics, but i will...

Anonymous said...

a friend of mine has 4 seats right behind the yankee dugout.this year they cost him over $800 per game. to keep the seats at the new stadium would cost hime over $4000 per game. they also wanted a 10 year commitment which would have totaled over 3 million. he is a huge fan but that is out of his preice range so he passed. well that's capitalism/free market etc so no point complaining.

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