C'mon guys, everyone knows the best way to get to the stadium:
MY question is - why hasn't the rise in ticket prices been a bigger story? In one of the first posts on this blog, I quoted the following piece of a Village Voice article on the new Stadium:
On average, baseball teams have hiked tickets by 41 percent their first year in new homes. A city economic study projected even greater sticker shock in the Bronx, with the average ticket rising to $57, from $28 currently. At that rate of increase, Bleacher Creatures would be paying $24 a pop to chant "Box seats suck!"
So, the average increase in ticket prices in NEW stadiums is 41%, yet the Yankees raised my tickets 47% in the final season of the OLD stadium? HUH?
THAT is a bigger new story people - NOT parking rates going up two dollars.
Be sure to discuss this and everything else in the NYY Stadium Insider Forums