Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yankee memorabilia auctions on Ebay for a very good cause

I received this email in the inbox today about some Yankee memorabilia auctions on ebay with proceeds going toward a very good cause.

Tom Clark, a clubhouse manager for the Yankees in Trenton shared the following story:
I've been a clubhouse manager in the minor leagues for 20 years, the last four employed by the Yankees. For many years I worked for the Canton/Akron AA affiliate of the Indians. About a week before opening day in 1997, my wife's sister was murdered by her husband in the most senseless, tragic act of domestic violence. For a long time it was all I could do to deal with the ramifications of this tragedy, and to do my best to raise my late sister-in-law's son.

Two years ago Phil Hughes was the most prominent player on my team in Trenton. I've never been much for collecting autographs, but toward the end of that season I figured I could ask Phil to sign a couple of balls for me that I'd auction off for the local domestic violence shelter. Phil was happy to oblidge, but about ten minutes later he came back to me saying, "Tonto, the balls are only going to bring about $50 each, but I've got some other stuff that would be pretty good."

By game time that night he had loaded up my desk with game used hats, gloves, spikes, photos...all signed. I raised a little over $2600 which at Phil's request we split between the shelter and a local Trenton youth baseball group.

Last year I collected what I could throughout the season and did the auction on Ebay, raising a little over $5000 for the shelter, much of it on some great stuff Joba signed for me.
Different stuff will be popping up at this link over the next week or two, with auctions ending on November 20. According to Tom, 100% of the profit from the sale of the items goes to the shelter, and each item comes with a certificate of authenticity from the Yankees AA affiliate Trenton Thunder.

Good to see Phil Hughes so active in a charitable cause like this, and a great idea by Tom to reach out to the blogosphere to spread the word.

Talk about it in the NYYSI Forums!
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